All posts tagged "Meatless Monday"

  • frustrated getting started vegan
    Frustrated? How to Go Vegan Cold Turkey

    A vegan lifestyle is not an easy one to take on for anyone. The simple fact is, though, it can be done with knowledge and perseverance. Of course, chances of success are more dependent on going cold...

    • Posted December 24, 2014
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  • 20 Vegan Books You Must Read
    20 Great Vegan Books You Must Read Today

    I’m a firm believer in long term education. You should always keep learning and reading. Being a vegan there is so much to learn and like anything there is a lot of misinformation. When it comes to...

    • Posted December 9, 2014
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  • Vegan Thanksgiving
    Vegan Choices For The Best Thanksgiving Ever!

    For most people, Thanksgiving is a time to gather together with friends and family for a day of appreciating what we have. Most family traditions include big meals that take the majority of the morning to make,...

    • Posted November 25, 2014
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  • Getting Started Vegan
    Getting Started Vegan

    Veganism has become popular with celebrities, which means that it is drawing a lot interest from everyone else as well. Veganism can provide you with a much healthier way to eat while also offering a broader array...

    • Posted September 11, 2014
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  • Meatless Meat Sauce Recipe
    Meatless Meat Sauce Recipe

    One of the hardest things I have had switching to a vegan diet is the loss of the wonderful meat sauce my grandmother use to prepare every Sunday afternoon. I started getting that urge for ziti with...

    • Posted June 17, 2014
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  • Easy Lentil Soup Recipe
    Easy Lentil Soup Recipe

    One of the best sources of protein come from lentils, lentils are an amazing food in the vegan diet. They can be prepared many different ways but one of my favorites is lentil soup. I’ve prepared this...

    • Posted June 16, 2014
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